Thursday, December 5, 2013

2013 Family Christmas!!!

We hope the 2013 year has found you and yours happy, healthy and wise!!! The Hanna family seems to have sped through the year at warp speed as I'm sure you have as well.

We are enjoying our "official" 2nd Christmas at 2205 Copper Creek Lane and couldn't be happier. The list of unfinished projects somehow continues to grow but that seems a potential never-ending task. The 12+ acres of WILDERNESS have continuously afforded our frontier young ladies an ample pioneer experience. From walking to and fro from school everyday, 5 miles up hill all the way in snow (actual distance 120 yards) to exploring the wild frontier via 4-wheeler, go-cart, golf cart, scooters, in-line skates and occasionally by foot if all else fails to taming the ferocious local wildlife (i.e. cottontail rabbits named Ginger & Chip N Dale) (didn't say they could identify the wildlife!!!) to hosting the ubiquitous Waffle Sale at the end of the drive; all three Hanna girls have thrived in the open air environment!

This past September we were honored to host a memorial service for a dear family friend from whom we purchased the land from over 8 years ago. The Race family shared a special time and special memories with our family of their dad, Dick Race, and their fond family events held at the wilderness.

Kevin has kept active with early morning swims at OBU with faithful friend, Dale Griffin. Dale conquered the 500 mile mark prior to his 50th birthday and Kevin is closing in on this milestone. 500 miles not 50 years. He was adamant I clarify that point!!!!  Kevin also enjoys his weekly racquetball quests with friends Steve Fluke & Tom Rowell. It is not unusual for Kev and several of his masculine friends to leave Shawnee around 9pm on a weekday evening to drive to Moore's Warren IMAX theatre to enjoy a late night testosterone driven blockbuster. Kevin also was lucky enough to enjoy watching Sir Paul McCartney in concert this past year in Tulsa with buds Ray Griffin, Dale Griffin and Eddy Gates. He and Tina also got to say farewell to King George at the George Strait concert at the Peak. Kev probably wouldn't want me to mention he also enjoyed seeing Rod Stewart in concert this past year, so of course I will:)   Kev's big thrill, other than his family!!!, is cheering on his beloved Pokes & Thunder!

Tina continues to keep busy with all the girls activities and work. She absolutely loves her job at South Central Industries and Group Home. The daily issues continuously provide challenges and the clients always provide ample hugs and platitudes!!  Although Tina's daily and weekly exercise regime is not as strenuous as Kevin's and you won't see a "26.2" sticker on the back of her vehicle anytime in this millennia, she does get excruiating cramps from the strenuous turning of pages in the many novels she loves to read:)

GRACIE 13 years - Gracie continues to grow and blossom into a beautiful (inside and out) young lady!!! She and her family are gradually coming to terms that her personality is Green, Orange, Blue, Gold (True Colors to any that follow) which basically means "I know that I know this and it's not important that you know that I know it!!!" It also means "My main goal is to have fun!" Although it has only taken her mother almost 14 years to come to grips with this mentality, her parents are now embracing it and her and preparing for her to either have a career as an FBI profiler (her newest career idea) or to support her the rest of her live long days!?!?!  Gracie is still enjoying dance with one of her best friend's, Emma Sampson, cheering with another of her best friend's, Macie May, playing basketball, and hanging out with other best friends' Camryn Jensen and Abbie Scott.

FAITH 11 years - Faith continues to keep the entire family and her friends in stitches with her intelligent humor and creativity! She literally grows more beautiful each day. At her last annual physical, her growth percentage was off the chart. She is centimeters shorter than her sister and mother and yards taller than most classmates:)  Faith's height and athletic abilities are serving her well through school and league basketball and volleyball. Her basketball number this past summer and fall has been "11" in honor of her Deegs and Grammie. This school year, Faith joined her older sister as a Grove Wildcat Cheerleader and excels in a halftime display of forward rolls!?!?!? (See, you all thought those 4 years of private gymnastic lessons wouldn't pay off .)  Faith's love, obsession and devotion is to One Direction!!!

HOPE 8 years - And now to little Miss Hope. Hope continues to keep the Hanna family "uptight and out of sight." Well, actually uptight is correct as she militantly keeps us all on schedule, in line and interrogated mercilessly pertaining to every minute detail in the universe. Related to the True Colors personality test, Hope is GOLD, GOLD, GOLD, GOLD. Hope has absolutely loved being in 3rd grade this year and learning multiplication and cursive writing. She has the same teacher that Grace and Faith had and when the teacher calls her by one of her sisters' names, Hope's response is, "Well, at least you don't call me Daisy, after our dog,  like my mom does!" Hope continues to love and excel in gymnastics and dance and is adding YMCA basketball this winter to her repertoire with her mom and Uncle Kris as her coaches. She will playing on the same team as her cousin, Madison, who happens to be her favorite person in the whole world.

Well, that's a quick update on the Hanna family for 2013. We wish you all a Happy New Year and as always an open invitation to come visit!!!

The Hannas

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